Monday, May 18, 2009

Dancing does a body good

I had a pretty nice weekend all things considered. Friday night was pretty low-key, Josh and I and a disc of Supernatural. Saturday, my cousin, Patrick, graduated from WSU. After now witnessing a WSU commencement I have decided that walking is definitely not for me. Maybe if obtaining my degree was going to actually send me out into the world and I didn't already have a career it would be a bigger deal... but no, not my thing. We took the girls with us and they had a hard time sitting still for most of it but did enjoy hanging out with Mom afterwards at the reception. Tori and Penny love my mom, seriously. I've been having a rough time with neck pain lately. All my stress (from work) seems to be concentrated in a series of knots that run from the back of my scalp extending to my shoulder/top of my arm. The pain got pretty bad on Saturday and we ended up leaving the reception early so I could lay down. I did get to feeling better and ended up going out with friends. It was kind of like a belated birthday outing but nothing special really. I did have a good time and for once didn't feel like leaving early. My feet/legs held up as well. Since I've cut back on the dancing I usually ache quite a bit afterwards but not this time. Maybe this is a sign that I need to put on my dancing shoes again this summer. Honestly, I miss dancing. I miss hanging out with friends. It seems like so many of my friends have disappeared this last year and if I want to see them, I have to contact them. It makes me sad. Hopefully by relaxing a bit, I can have more of a social life again. I went tanning this weekend as well and apparently the back of the bed (standup) got new bulbs because my backside has a nice burn that still hasn't gone away. I am slowly getting back in the groove of taking better care of myself. Work seems to suck me dry and I have no energy to do anything for myself. I really feel like if I could get some more exercise in my life, I'd be doing even better. Sunday was pretty quiet; housecleaning, shopping, hanging out with Josh & the girls. This week seems to be off to a better start and I have plans later in the week with friends, so fingers crossed this week doesn't take me down.

Also, I wore a tube top for the first time in my life on Saturday. I'm not sure how I feel about it, but this is what I looked like.

1 comment:

  1. Definitely looking good in the picture. You should wear that shirt more often :)
