Thursday, January 7, 2010

Parenting Test

This week has made for an interesting one. We found out earlier this week that Josh was taking a last minute trip to Vegas to go to CES and flying out today. This meant that I would have the girls while he was gone. I was very excited for Josh to go. Not only is something that interests him personally, but he's got a great project in mind for work and going to CES would help to advance his ideas around the project. I was also a little stunned because I've never had the girls on my own like this. It's good for me, though, and if things go as well as this evening, I'll be a champ at this parenting thing. The girls were so good tonight, no crying, no whining, no fighting. I'm sure I've just jinxed myself but it really has gone well. I even played princess makeup with them, which they've been begging to do since Tuesday night. I was actually pretty pumped about going back to work this week but it has been quite hectic and stressful. First, the stress is due to 2 things. First, people are just kicking it into high gear because it's a new year and people are actually working and second, those Phentermine pills cause me to be a little shaky. It's usually the worst around the afternoon, like 2 or 3. I think I'm going to see about cutting a couple pills out of my week. I will say this, they work great. I have dropped 7 lb since the first, which means 12 lb total. I know most of that is water but I'll take it. I do feel differently, kinda smaller. And I'm really not all that interested in food. Most of the time I am eating because I need energy not because I'm hungry, which is certainly a different feeling.

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