Saturday, October 31, 2009


I've been struggling lately, struggling a lot. I haven't felt like myself in quite awhile and I'm ready to snap out of it. I've been pretty negative and moody lately and found that I don't get excited about much these days. And I should. It's my life and I should enjoy it. I guess I'm overwhelmed, a bit depressed, a lot stressed, and generally not feeling good about myself. It seems like I'm going through the motions but not really living. Work is really dragging me down. My co-workers are really irritating me. There is one part of my job that I love, but the rest is pretty awful. That one part is what I want to do, but I have so much on my plate, I can't focus. I sit at my desk trying to wrap my head around what I need to do and can't focus for more than a few minutes at a time. The people play a big part in the negativity that I have about my job. I don't like my co-workers. I don't even care much for my friends that are co-workers. They all drag me down and steal the "life" from me. I used to be able to think about the evenings and the weekeneds after work and get excited. Now I don't. Now I feel like I just use this time to recover from work. I was so much more creative -- writing, crafts, etc. Now it's nothing. And I'm not taking care of myself. I'm not exercising or eating properly. I'm not enjoying things. When I come home from work, I'm so fried, I space off. I don't get much accomplished in my house. I surf the net or play Dr. Mario in an attempt to forget about the crappiness of my day. And it's not fair to me, the girls, or Josh. At one time, I planned my evenings. I planned my health. My entertainment. I had plans and they weren't always cancelled because of work or not feeling well. And not feeling well has become a regular thing. I have a lot of headaches these days. I feel lethargic and ran down. I don't even know where to begin when it comes to fixing me. There is so much to do and not enough energy in me to do it. I guess that's the problem -- no energy. I'm spent most days. How can I stop letting my job control my life and help me to start actually living the life I want?

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