Thursday, December 31, 2009
Obligatory End of Year/Decade Post
2000 - I rang in the new year with my ex in Jacksonville, FL with friends. He was drunk (as usual). In late February we moved back to Wichita. We rented a house in S Wichita. I started working for KETCH with a big pay cut. I spent a lot of time with family getting caught up and meeting all the new babies in my life.
2001 - I started back to school at Butler. I kept working for KETCH. I started doing crafty stuff. My best friend moved a couple of miles away and we spent a lot of time hanging out.
2002 - Still in school, still working for KETCH. Life wasn't eventful other than the regular drinking parties that my ex threw at our house every weekend. We also bought that rental house (BIG MISTAKE!)
2003 - Still in school, still working for KETCH. Did a craft show, did some writing. Spent a lot of time with family and friends. Lost a lot of family and friends. Was a very sad year.
2004 - Graduated from Butler with AA. Started WSU. Still working for KETCH and hating it. Still married to the ex and hating it even more. Best friend gave birth to baby Tierra who had me at hello.
2005 - Divorced the ex, gave him the house (BIG MISTAKE). Moved in with my parents. Was completely and utterly depressed for a year straight. Left KETCH to start working for KOCH. Was excited about my new job. Struggled with school the entire year due to depression. Moved into my own place, started dating.
2006 - Working hard at school and work. Spending time with family and friends, focusing on me, me, me. And dating losers for the most part. I guess I did have a couple boyfriends in there.
2007 - Cousin Kari moved in and lighted my life. Promoted at work. Still going to school. Started dancing and going out all the time. Lots of shenanigans. Turned 30. Met a nice guy but it didn't work out. 2007 was a pretty good year.
2008 - Cousin Kari moved away. Kept working hard at work. Still going to school. Met new friends. Partied a little too hard. Met Josh. Slowed down. Fell in love with Josh. Met Tori and Penny. Fell in love with Tori and Penny. Started understanding that things DO happen for a reason.
January 2009 - Rang in the new year with Josh and some friends at a dance club. Started a new job. Prepared for my last year at WSU. Celebrated Tori's 4th birthday at ChuckECheese -- never again!
Febuary 2009 - Suprised Josh big time for Valentine's day. Spent tons of time doing family stuff.
March 2009 - Delivered first major project at work early and under budget.
April 2009 - Weekend getaway to KC courtesy of Josh ( I seriously needed it). Started a new project at work.
May 2009 - Turned 32. Saw Fleetwood Mac in concert for my birthday and spent the weekend in KC. Went to see my cousin get married in Hillsboro. My sister gets engaged.
June 2009 - Josh and the girls move in. It was a rocky start but we got it figured out. Summer classes. Celebrated our 1 year anniversary.
July 2009 - Put Josh's house on the market, thinking we are going to get married.
August 2009 - Went on vacation with Josh to Jacksonville, FL and Savannah, GA. It was such a great trip. Started final semester at WSU. Celebrated Penny's 2nd birthday.
September 2009 - Freaked out about final French class at WSU, this was harder than I thought it was going to be. Went to visit Janet and Jason in New Mexico (fun!). Josh's house gets burglarized (not so fun).
October 2009 - Josh proposes! The girls are Hannah Montana and Strawberry Shortcake for Halloween. I still struggle with school. Dude from the UK comes to Wichita and asks me about working for his team...what?
November 2009 - Find location for wedding and set a date. Spend Thanksgiving in Colorado with Josh's family, I finally got to meet them! Really start freaking out about school, am I going to graduate or what? Get a call at work requesting I apply for a new job listing. Interview for that UK dude's team and wait nervously to see if I got it.
December 2009 - Wait, and wait, and wait. Finally, I get a call about the job. And I got it! Pass french by the skin of my teeth and I graduate! Look forward to new job, no school, wedding planning, and spending time with my new family in 2010.
It's crazy how things change. But I've learned a lot along the way. Last year my resolutions were to 1) graduate and 2) get engaged (which seems silly but these things take some work).
I accomplished both and managed to score a new position at the same time. I am very lucky but I worked my behind off. So my resolutions for this year are:
1) get healthy -- cause I let a lot go to get everything accomplished this year
2) spend time focusing on my new family and making time for friends and family
Christmas Recap
Friday, December 18, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Cozy Christmas in the making

Saturday, November 14, 2009
Wedding Website
Monday, November 2, 2009
Book Reviews
Twilight - Stephanie Meyer
Yes, I bought into the hype and picked up Josh's copy of Twilight to see what everyone is talking about. And I think I get it. I read through Twilight like I read through Judy Blume books in elementary school and VC Andrews books in middle school. The writing is easy to read, the stories are built around a few main characters, and the reader is exposed to the inner pysche of the main character -- it feels very indulgent. There is sexual tension (as much as there can be in juvenile lit) which keeps the reader eager to find out what happens next. I haven't wished for characters to do as much as kiss since I was 12, but Twilight had me there. I read the book in 3 days and was ready for more the next day.
New Moon - Stephanie Meyer
So I picked up New Moon at the library the next week to feed my juvenile lit craving! Or maybe it's a vampire craving! I sped through New Moon as quickly as Twilight and enjoyed it almost as much. I missed Edward's presence in the second book, but I still found it interesting. I haven't picked up Eclipse yet and that might be just because New Moon wasn't as good as Twilight and I don't care quite as much as I did at the end of Twilight. But I'll get Eclipse, the third book, soon I'm sure.
How did I get so Busy? - Valorie Burton
It is rare for me to rave about a self-help book, or even more, suggest a self-help book to a friend or co-worker. After reading, How did I get so Busy? I've found multiple opportunities to recommend the book to others. This book really does help. I read a chapter each night before bed, I did the meditations, and the activities. I could keep this book with me as a reference book to get through life. There are so many things that we don't make time for and so many things we fill our time with that simply don't matter. This book forces you to look at your life differently -- and sometimes it's not very pretty what you discover. You might find that you do things like me -- define success based on income or titles. But then once you have this information, you are empowered to change how you think. I plan to keep reading this book, certain chapters in particular to help me to put together a less stressed life that allows me to have fun and to do things for the purpose of making me truly happy -- not that fake kind of happy that we show the world.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Ah, hello, goodbye October
So October has arrived and is nearly gone and I haven't blogged in over a month! I guess I've had a whirlwind of changes come about in the last month and that's kept me preoccupied.
First thing, I'm engaged. Yep, with a ring and all that jazz. Josh proposed on October 10th. The proposal story is a bit entertaining. I had Saturday class and when I got home I had a headache. So I decided to lay down and rest. Josh kept asking me to go with him and the girls to the bookstore but I told him I just wasn't up to it. So they went ahead and left. About 15 minutes later, he called and said that his car was giving him problems and I would need to pick them up at the bookstore. So I got up and drove to Borders. When I got to Borders, I headed directly for the kid's section. When I got towards the back, I saw him and said, "You really wanted me to come to this bookstore today, didn't you?" as a joke. He said, "Yes, yes I did." And about that time, my parents came around the corner and Josh dropped to one knee. This was the bookstore that Josh and I met at on June 11, 2008. He proposed, I went into shock, my parents took pictures, and the girls ran around the bookstore. My ring is beautiful and I love it. We are just getting started on the wedding planning but it's already a lot of fun.
In September Josh's house was broken into. The thieves took nearly $20,000.00 worth of stuff. Josh has been dealing with that for about a month and a half and it's been a tedious process. Just when we think we've got it all cleared up, something else crops up. They stole a credit card, check books, major appliances, damaged the house. It's a big mess. The good news is that Josh did have insurance and they've been working with him.
Finally, my other big news isn't really news... yet. I think I may be taking a new role at work. I'm not sure when it will happen but my boss is wanting to list my current job soon so I can have a backfill. The opportunity is more in line with what I would like to be doing and I hope it works out. Nothing is ever certain at my company and I'm trying not to get my hopes up.
I finished my Saturday class so I only have 2 classes to finish before graduation. My Health & Lifestyle class is easy and I don't have any concerns. My French 3 class is kicking my behind. I don't know what I was thinking signing up for this class to go 5 days a week. Oh, I know... I wasn't thinking that I would be doing the job of 2 people at work this semester. I've been added to another project and I just don't see how I can get it all done. I've brought up my concern that I was worried about graduating but nothing came of it. I just hope I can last. It's just till mid-December. I can make it, right?
I am looking forward to graduation. I've not been myself for quite some time. I'm pretty grouchy, achey, depressed, stressed, and tired all the time. I know that this is due to overload but I really want to get back to taking better care of myself and actually getting to be a part of my new family. The girls are excited about Josh and I getting married, ok, actually they are excited to be flower girls but it's a start.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Who will you run to?
1. U2 - seeing them next month so I'll have another spot
2. Live
3. Pearl Jam
4. Liz Phair
5. So many choices??? Phil Collins maybe?
Thursday, August 27, 2009
The Last Semester
Gooey Butter Cake

1 18 1/4-ounce package yellow cake mix
1 egg
8 tablespoons butter, melted
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
Combine the cake mix, egg, and butter and mix well with an electric mixer. Pat the mixture into the bottom of a lightly greased 13 by 9-inch baking pan. Prepare Filling
1 8-ounce package cream cheese, softened
2 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla 8 tablespoons butter, melted
1 16-ounce box powdered sugar
In a large bowl, beat the cream cheese until smooth. Add the eggs, vanilla, and butter and beat together. Next, add the powdered sugar and mix well. Spread over cake batter and bake for 40 to 50 minutes. Make sure not to over bake as the center should be a little gooey.
Yield: 6 to 8 servings
Preparation time: 30 minutes
Cooking time: 40 minutes
Ease of preparation: easy
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Jacksonville/Savannah Vacation

Sunday - we woke up early to drive to Savannah in order to get our name on the list for dinner at Paula Deen's Lady & Son's restaurant. We made it and were able to get on the list! Afterwards we headed to the Flannery O'Connor childhood home. This was my reason for wanting to travel up to Savannah. I love Flannery O'Connor and after reading about her home on Literary Traveler, I had to go. The tour was interesting and I found the stories about Flannery's reading habits to be very entertaining. She often wrote in her books and "graded" them. And unsuprisingly the original Grimm's Fairytales were a favorite. Also, while visiting the home I found out about Southern Literary Trail. Some of my favorite authors are included and I'm thinking future vacations could include some places on the trail.
We did some shopping in downtown Savannah and I found two really neat stores, The Paris Market and Cherry & East. Once we were done shopping we were ready for dinner at Paula's restaraunt. The food was so good, Josh kept telling me he was tempted to leave me for Paula Deen. Our favorites were the lemonade, hoecakes, cabbage, sweet potatoes, and gooey butter cake. The gooey butter cake is something I will be blogging about in the future. I bought one of Paula's recipe books and have already made it at home. Later that evening we took a ghost tour by trolley. I was able to capture a spirit orb at Colonial Park on film.
Monday - we headed to Bon Aventure cemetery. I was afraid we weren't going to make it but we did. The cemetery was beautiful, the mosquitos were awful! I was bit at least 20 times and had to slater my ankles in Caladryl once we returned home, and even then, they were still pretty itchy. Once we finished the cemetery we headed back to Jax to fly home. We missed the girls and were ready to get back home (um, not work though). Here is my favorite statue at the cemetery:
The Glass Castle: A Memoir

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Sausage Cheese Puffs


Monday, August 10, 2009
Strawberry Shortcake Party
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Too Tired
Sunday, July 26, 2009
I Don't Know How She Does It

I picked this book up several years ago and with the recent changes in my life, I thought it might be a good book to help me figure out this whole career with family thing. It didn't. It was actually a pretty awful book. It painted working moms as selfish, adulterous women. I can normally read chick-lit fluff like this in 3 sittings. This one went on for a couple weeks because I hated the characters, hated the lack of plot, and hated the way it portrayed women -- as if their place should be at home taking care of children and competing for Martha Stewart awards. I think if anything this book scared the crap out of me. If this is what normal is, I'm going to have to figure out what normal is for me.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Jacksonville Vacation
Friday, July 17, 2009
Simple Living
1) Eating: I want to step away from prepackaged foods/convienance foods/ eating out. I want to cook healthy meals with food that is more fresh and natural.
2) Exercise: I want to reclaim an exercise routine. This will include the gym but also the simple pleasures of going for walks and such.
3) Home: I want to minimize the need for stuff, gadgets, mostly junk. I think the kitchen is a fine place to start.
4) Purchases: I want to be more thoughtful in my purchases. Not just buy something on a whim because it gives me instant gratification.
5) Pleasure: This is the place I want to focus the most. Right now, I'm not finding a lot of pleasure in life. I'm too stressed, tired, or moody to enjoy myself. Simple pleasures should bring me more joy, like sewing, cooking, reading, playing with the girls, or just watching a movie with Josh. So I'm going to work on this as well. And I'm going to try to take a much needed vacation.
So that's my plan. Simple Living.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
One lucky girl
Saturday, June 20, 2009
A Life List
1) Concerts: Currently in my possesion are 2 tickets for U2, Heart, and Huey Lewis & the News. Heart & Huey Lewis are both in September. U2 is in October. We're planning on seeing Truckstop Honeymoon on the 4th and I think we may be going to see Collective Soul in a couple weeks as well. So many concerts, so little time.
2) Sewing: I decided to try making sun dresses for the girls. It's been years since I sewed and I wanted to give it a shot. Tori picked out the fabric. I started out strong with cutting out the patterns and fabric but now the true sewing part is taking me a bit to get started on.
3) Anniversary: Josh and I made to one year! It seems like so long ago but time still feels like it's gone so quickly. We had Tori and Penny so we ended up just going to Red Robin with the girls and exchanging cards & gifts. Josh got me the Bunny Girl wallet (previously mentioned) and made me a mixed cd with a personalized insert. I got him the Huey Lewis tickets.
4) Working out: Josh has motivated me to work out in the mornings before work. We started going to the Y in the morning at 6:15. I hope to keep it up and lose some weight and tone. He, on the other hand, has turned into a work out junkie and has been going at lunch too.
5) Family: My sister and her fiancee will be here in a couple weeks. They got engaged a few weeks back and we are going to go to KC to look at wedding dresses one of the days that she is here.
6) Summer School: started a few weeks ago. My Social Psychology class doesn't require attendance and can be done online. I'm opting for the online version and it's pretty easy. My Oceanography class doesn't start till July. Overall I think summer school is going to be pretty easy.
7) Work: I finished my bank migration project and have about wrapped up phase one of my current project. I got my raise (finally). I'm ok with it for now.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Strawberry Freezer Jam

Sunday, June 7, 2009
Bunny Girl

Must. Have. Now.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Truckstop Honeymoon and dream

Monday, June 1, 2009
Things I'm angry about
1) Jerks that I work with - specifically a woman in Canada that requires a monthly ass kissing just to get her to do her job. Most of the time, I just let it go. Today we had an urgent issue and a contractor requested that I make a change for him in our "ticket" system. I did and she flipped a lid because I didn't do it "right", with a nasty email to boot. I thought about everything that I could say to her and then I took the high road. I emailed her, explained that I was obviously causing her upset and requested that she direct me to a documented procedure so I wouldn't have such confusion. She'll never reply, I already know this. Because there is no procedure. She comes up with procedures and policies on a whim and will never, ever write it down.
2) School - I met with my advisor today. She kept me waiting. She didn't have my stuff together. She told me I probably couldn't graduate in December but she didn't have time to verify. She wants to me come back for an hour meeting when she has time.... WTF? I took off work for this? It was a complete waste of time, she'd hardly looked at my transcripts. I'm seriously pissed off.
3) Dr. Tiller's death and Reason 5,898,374 that I hate living in Wichita. I am so tired of living in a state where people are such extremist and full of hate. I could rant and rave about everything that has happened but it would do no good, especially here. I get so tired of feeling like I'm a sell out because of where I choose to live and work.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Watch that door
Monday, May 25, 2009
Moving forward
Monday, May 18, 2009
Dancing does a body good
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Back to good
Monday, May 11, 2009
Girl by Tori Amos
Monday, May 4, 2009
There is an end
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Monday, April 27, 2009
Not Waving But Drowning
Nobody heard him, the dead man,
But still he lay moaning:
I was much further out than you thought
And not waving but drowning.
Poor chap, he always loved larking
And now he's dead
It must have been too cold for him his heart gave way,
They said.
Oh, no no no, it was too cold always
(Still the dead one lay moaning)
I was much too far out all my life
And not waving but drowning.
Antiquing & Eating
Cilantro-Lime Rice
1 teaspoon vegetable oil
2 teaspoons fresh cilantro ( I love it so I used a lot more!)
2/3 cup white rice
1 1/3 cup water
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 lime
1) In a 2-quart heavy saucepan, heat oil over low heat, stirring occasionally until melted.
2) Add rice and lime juice, stir for 1 minute.
3) Add water and salt, bring to a full rolling boil
4) At boiling, cover, turn down to simmer over low heat until rice is tender and the water is absorbed, about 25 minutes.
5) Add in the cilantro and fluff rice with a fork
The other thing that made these wraps great was Shake'n Bake. Yep, right out of the 80's. Josh reacquainted me with Shake'n Bake as I was looking for a healther alternative to fried chicken tenders. Shake'n Bake makes some tasty chicken tenders for less calories And fat. For dessert I made Chai Cake with Chai mousse. It was ok, nothing special, doubtful that I'll make it again. Sunday morning we headed to The Donut Whole for breakfast. I tried the Cherry Cordial and the Peanut Butter & Grape. The Grape was good but the Cherry Cordial was excellent. I think it's my new favorite. Soooo.... as you can tell there was a lot of eating done this weekend, which means I need to get back on the wagon this week. The rest of the weekend was filled with Supernatural watching. The series is getting really exciting and I'm so glad to be watching it on DVD and not waiting each week for a new episode.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
3 weeks

Thursday, April 16, 2009
Two posts, one day, this should tell ya something! I love, love, love this movie. It stars Christina Ricci and James McAvoy, who have quite the on-screen chemistry. Penelope is the modern day fairytale of a girl who is born into a curse that leaves her with a pig snout. The only way to break the curse is to be truly loved by a fellow "Blue Blood." McAvoy is super hot in the film and I might just have to see Wanted now because he's in it. Seriously, he might have just moved into my top 5. The film was based on Mark Ryden's art, especially this painting:

I think what I enjoyed the most about the film was the carnivalesque qualities, just like Ryden's art. Penelope's room and most things that surround her are quite surreal. Oh, someday I will have Ryden's art hanging on my walls, even if they are just prints! The soundtrack to the film was fantastic as well: Waking Life by Schuyler Fisk (love it, love her!), Your Disguise by James Greenspan, and Give In by The Secret 6. The film reminded me of Simply Irresistable, that despite what critics say, I loved. Again, it has that modern day fairytale feel to it but Penelope has more eyecandy to look at. Anyway, if you enjoy the carivalesque or are even just a sucker for film-art-- go see this movie.
PS. You can watch it Instant on Netflix if you have an account!

All this reading and book talk has me thinking I need to be writing too. I know, I know. Just a little bit longer and I'll have graduated and have that pretty piece of paper that so many employers want. If I do manage to pull off graduation in December 09 (which is still the plan) I will have much more free time to be creative. Right now, it's really hard to think of stories, poems, or even things that are aesthetically pleasing, when I have to balance work/school/responsibilities. But that's soooo going to change when I'm done. And when I've finally figured out how to create a career out of the things I'm good at and love at the same time. One step in that direction is putting myself "out" there. There are a couple local publications that I could submit to, I should submit to, but I have no time and no energy. I will get there though, just you wait and see.
So the agenda for this evening? Well, since I'm still ill with something Josh referred to as the plague over lunch, I'm spending the evening watching Penelope. I was reading up on Mark Ryden because his business address is in Denver, CO ,and I was thinking maybe his gallery was too (it's not), I discovered something from this movie was inspired by some of his art. So I thought I better check it out. Actually, now that I think about it, it has Christina Ricci and if anyone ever looked like they stepped out of a Mark Ryden painting, it's her. And besides, I'm too scared to watch Supernatural on my own anyway.