So every year I blog somewhere about how my year had gone and what I was hoping for next year. Since this is also the end of a decade, it only seems right that I go back little further and check out how far I've come.
2000 - I rang in the new year with my ex in Jacksonville, FL with friends. He was drunk (as usual). In late February we moved back to Wichita. We rented a house in S Wichita. I started working for KETCH with a big pay cut. I spent a lot of time with family getting caught up and meeting all the new babies in my life.
2001 - I started back to school at Butler. I kept working for KETCH. I started doing crafty stuff. My best friend moved a couple of miles away and we spent a lot of time hanging out.
2002 - Still in school, still working for KETCH. Life wasn't eventful other than the regular drinking parties that my ex threw at our house every weekend. We also bought that rental house (BIG MISTAKE!)
2003 - Still in school, still working for KETCH. Did a craft show, did some writing. Spent a lot of time with family and friends. Lost a lot of family and friends. Was a very sad year.
2004 - Graduated from Butler with AA. Started WSU. Still working for KETCH and hating it. Still married to the ex and hating it even more. Best friend gave birth to baby Tierra who had me at hello.
2005 - Divorced the ex, gave him the house (BIG MISTAKE). Moved in with my parents. Was completely and utterly depressed for a year straight. Left KETCH to start working for KOCH. Was excited about my new job. Struggled with school the entire year due to depression. Moved into my own place, started dating.
2006 - Working hard at school and work. Spending time with family and friends, focusing on me, me, me. And dating losers for the most part. I guess I did have a couple boyfriends in there.
2007 - Cousin Kari moved in and lighted my life. Promoted at work. Still going to school. Started dancing and going out all the time. Lots of shenanigans. Turned 30. Met a nice guy but it didn't work out. 2007 was a pretty good year.
2008 - Cousin Kari moved away. Kept working hard at work. Still going to school. Met new friends. Partied a little too hard. Met Josh. Slowed down. Fell in love with Josh. Met Tori and Penny. Fell in love with Tori and Penny. Started understanding that things DO happen for a reason.
January 2009 - Rang in the new year with Josh and some friends at a dance club. Started a new job. Prepared for my last year at WSU. Celebrated Tori's 4th birthday at ChuckECheese -- never again!
Febuary 2009 - Suprised Josh big time for Valentine's day. Spent tons of time doing family stuff.
March 2009 - Delivered first major project at work early and under budget.
April 2009 - Weekend getaway to KC courtesy of Josh ( I seriously needed it). Started a new project at work.
May 2009 - Turned 32. Saw Fleetwood Mac in concert for my birthday and spent the weekend in KC. Went to see my cousin get married in Hillsboro. My sister gets engaged.
June 2009 - Josh and the girls move in. It was a rocky start but we got it figured out. Summer classes. Celebrated our 1 year anniversary.
July 2009 - Put Josh's house on the market, thinking we are going to get married.
August 2009 - Went on vacation with Josh to Jacksonville, FL and Savannah, GA. It was such a great trip. Started final semester at WSU. Celebrated Penny's 2nd birthday.
September 2009 - Freaked out about final French class at WSU, this was harder than I thought it was going to be. Went to visit Janet and Jason in New Mexico (fun!). Josh's house gets burglarized (not so fun).
October 2009 - Josh proposes! The girls are Hannah Montana and Strawberry Shortcake for Halloween. I still struggle with school. Dude from the UK comes to Wichita and asks me about working for his team...what?
November 2009 - Find location for wedding and set a date. Spend Thanksgiving in Colorado with Josh's family, I finally got to meet them! Really start freaking out about school, am I going to graduate or what? Get a call at work requesting I apply for a new job listing. Interview for that UK dude's team and wait nervously to see if I got it.
December 2009 - Wait, and wait, and wait. Finally, I get a call about the job. And I got it! Pass french by the skin of my teeth and I graduate! Look forward to new job, no school, wedding planning, and spending time with my new family in 2010.
It's crazy how things change. But I've learned a lot along the way. Last year my resolutions were to 1) graduate and 2) get engaged (which seems silly but these things take some work).
I accomplished both and managed to score a new position at the same time. I am very lucky but I worked my behind off. So my resolutions for this year are:
1) get healthy -- cause I let a lot go to get everything accomplished this year
2) spend time focusing on my new family and making time for friends and family
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