Last night I finished Half-Assed: A Weight-loss memoir by Jennette Fulda. I recently discovered Fulda on twitter and found her comments to be quite snarky so I figured her take on weight-loss would be too. The book was actually pretty entertaining and quite a fast read. She's very no-nonsense as she explains to people how she lost 200 lb, "eating right and exercising." What I liked about Fulda's take on weightloss was that she admits it was hard, dreadfully hard. And she knows it will be hard not to gain the weight back over time-- the cards are stacked against her. She also explains that losing weight does not fix ALL of a person's problems. She is now a healthy weight, but she's not dating or leaving the house to socialize all that much more. What she did gain was more confidence when people treat her poorly or take advantage of her. Fulda doesn't forget about her inner-fat-girl and refuses to become someone else just because she can now fit the part. I admire her ability to lose the weight, but even more, not selling out. She doesn't claim that she can help someone lose weight, she doesn't think she's an expert, she just lucked out in that she figured out what worked for her. The best advice I got out of the book was this: Figure out what works for you, what you can handle, what you are able to keep up with. Excellent advice indeed.
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