So October has arrived and is nearly gone and I haven't blogged in over a month! I guess I've had a whirlwind of changes come about in the last month and that's kept me preoccupied.
First thing, I'm engaged. Yep, with a ring and all that jazz. Josh proposed on October 10th. The proposal story is a bit entertaining. I had Saturday class and when I got home I had a headache. So I decided to lay down and rest. Josh kept asking me to go with him and the girls to the bookstore but I told him I just wasn't up to it. So they went ahead and left. About 15 minutes later, he called and said that his car was giving him problems and I would need to pick them up at the bookstore. So I got up and drove to Borders. When I got to Borders, I headed directly for the kid's section. When I got towards the back, I saw him and said, "You really wanted me to come to this bookstore today, didn't you?" as a joke. He said, "Yes, yes I did." And about that time, my parents came around the corner and Josh dropped to one knee. This was the bookstore that Josh and I met at on June 11, 2008. He proposed, I went into shock, my parents took pictures, and the girls ran around the bookstore. My ring is beautiful and I love it. We are just getting started on the wedding planning but it's already a lot of fun.
In September Josh's house was broken into. The thieves took nearly $20,000.00 worth of stuff. Josh has been dealing with that for about a month and a half and it's been a tedious process. Just when we think we've got it all cleared up, something else crops up. They stole a credit card, check books, major appliances, damaged the house. It's a big mess. The good news is that Josh did have insurance and they've been working with him.
Finally, my other big news isn't really news... yet. I think I may be taking a new role at work. I'm not sure when it will happen but my boss is wanting to list my current job soon so I can have a backfill. The opportunity is more in line with what I would like to be doing and I hope it works out. Nothing is ever certain at my company and I'm trying not to get my hopes up.
I finished my Saturday class so I only have 2 classes to finish before graduation. My Health & Lifestyle class is easy and I don't have any concerns. My French 3 class is kicking my behind. I don't know what I was thinking signing up for this class to go 5 days a week. Oh, I know... I wasn't thinking that I would be doing the job of 2 people at work this semester. I've been added to another project and I just don't see how I can get it all done. I've brought up my concern that I was worried about graduating but nothing came of it. I just hope I can last. It's just till mid-December. I can make it, right?
I am looking forward to graduation. I've not been myself for quite some time. I'm pretty grouchy, achey, depressed, stressed, and tired all the time. I know that this is due to overload but I really want to get back to taking better care of myself and actually getting to be a part of my new family. The girls are excited about Josh and I getting married, ok, actually they are excited to be flower girls but it's a start.
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