Tomorrow is my last day in my old role at work. On Monday my new boss will be in town and all my new responsibilities will be laid upon me. I'm actually feeling very calm about the transition. I know I can do this job and do it well. My last day should be uneventful other than the sigh of relief I will have as I exit building, knowing that when I return, I will be in a better place. I am also really eager to move desks. I'd like to move into an office (I so miss having an office) but I don't have my hopes up. I did learn that I will be going to Mexico in June for work, a couple of weeks after I get back from Mexico (Cancun). And I'm thinking I might be going to a conference in Orlando between then! So a traveling summer may be ahead of me.
Josh and I watched (500) Days of Summer the other night and I loved, loved, loved this movie! It has great cinematography and the timeless style of the main characters is inspiring. The story isn't necessarily a "feel good" movie but it was still so good. I highly recommend it.
I've been reading some. I finished Eclipse a few weeks ago. It was pretty good. I still fly through these Twilight books so easy. I just picked up Breaking Dawn at the library tonight along with The Shack. The Shack isn't something I would probably buy but I'm curious about what all the rage is. Josh is trying to get me to read some Cherie Priest, so I'll probably be checking her out soon.
I've been doing a good job at being domestic lately. Don't worry, I still have a laundry disorder. Last night I made breakfast burritos which turned out soooo yummy and tonight we had Buffalo Chicken Pasta Bake. This stuff is seriously good. It's been added to our list of regular revolving meals. I've done well with the diet so far. I'm down another 2 lb. It's definitely slowed down some this week but I'm not discouraged. My calories have been about 1100 a day and I am eating for energy not for pleasure (although the pasta was really good!).
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