Thursday, December 30, 2010
And so it comes to an end
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Back to life, back to reality
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
It's been awhile
Things have definitely changed a lot of the last 6 months. First my sister got married in May. Josh and I went to Cancun for her destination wedding. I'll admit I wasn't really looking forward to Cancun -- I mean what is there really to do other than lay around, swim, drink and eat. I found that's all I really needed or wanted to do! It turned out to be very relaxing and now I'm in love with all-inclusive resorts. I'm sure my next vacation will be at one too. The next vacation after the honeymoon that is! The wedding was very nice and now that I'm coming up on my own wedding, I kinda wish I would have done something similiar because this wedding planning stuff is a lot of work... especially when you are as picky as me!
Josh and I also found a new house to move to. It's still just a rental but it will be a lot nice to live in. It's 3 br/ 2 ba and shoud work well for us. We're moving in starting tomorrow. It's been a bit stressful getting prepared to move while wedding stuff is going on but it's how the timing worked out so we just have to deal. I'll be glad when the weekend is over and our new house is put together. As a bonus, we have a holiday weekend the following weekend so we'll have an extra day off to enjoy the house ... or get errands done. I think I'm looking forward to cooking the most. I hate my kitchen here and the townhouse and the kitchen in the new house is so nice and modern. I can't wait to be inspired again.
Tori started kindergarten last week too! I can't believe she's in school now. She's going to be a great student -- her preschool prepared her well. She goes all day, 5 days a week. We're probably mean parents for that, but she loves to socialize and I don't think it's going to bother her one bit. Penny starts preschool in a couple of weeks and she is finally potty trained! She just had to make up her mind that's what she wanted to do. Last night she even got up after being asleep a couple hours to go; we were so proud.
I'm thinking this blog needs a big overhaul after the whole moving-wedding-honeymoon thing is over... so about November or so. I'd like to get back to blogging about the things that interest me, projects I'm working on, etc. Things will finally slow down then and I'll have free time once again. I'm already excited about the cooking, reading, decorating, crafting, etc. Can't wait!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Things have been a bit slow since the first of the year. I'm so used to being busy that now that I'm not, I feel more unmotivated... why is that? I would think with more time on my hands the more I would want to do things. I feel that even less. Mostly I just work. I'm not doing a very good job of keeping up with friends either. It seems like now that I have more time, I tend to focus on the things that irritate or anger me more.
When I started over 4 years ago or so, I made huge efforts towards getting my life lined out the way that I wanted it. And for the first time in my life, I actually stuck with the plan and achieved many of my goals, especially in the school and career realm. Other goals I set out to accomplish I achieved and then let slip - such as friendships and hobbies. Health is in progress (30 lb down & a perfect check up) again but I'm not doing a whole lot to work on the friendships and hobbies. A couple of years ago I had tons of friends that I talked to daily, weekly, etc. We hung out all the time, went shopping, saw movies, etc. Now, I'm lucky if I get a couple of hours a month with my bestfriend. My hobbies were also booming -- I was writing, reading, cooking, making jewelry, sewing, seeking out new music, etc. Now, I do none of that... and I'm not sure why. I do have terrible guilt because I feel like all of my "free" time should go to Josh and the girls but I know that's not realistic or healthy.
Sometimes I don't do a good enough job of taking my own advice. I know that there has to be more of a balance. Part of it, at least the hobbies, is that I can't be alone in my own house. I can't hide and do something creative. I've always been a bit of a loner and I miss my quiet time. I also miss how productive I used to be. Every night of the week I was getting things done and feeling good about it... now nothing gets done and I don't even enjoy my evenings. I realize that this sounds as though I am depressed but I honestly don't think it's depression. I feel like it's another phase that I am supposed to enter but I haven't figured out how to get there... does anyone have a map?
Friday, February 26, 2010
True Blood

Sunday, January 24, 2010
Steady Decline
My new boss, Andy, arrived from the UK on Monday and was here the entire week. He seems like a really nice guy. One evening he took Josh and I out to dinner which was nice. He seemed much more interested in me as a person unlike the guy I was working for. I think I'm really going to like my job. While here, Andy managed to get me into an office and a nice office at that. It will be so nice to just work and not have people bothering me all the time.
As far as my diet goes, I've rocked this week. I've lost on average .7 lb a day! So this morning when I went to weigh myself I was down my first 20 lb! I'm thrilled. I feel like this time the diet is going to stick because I'm not eating special foods or doing anything crazy... I'm just making healthy choices and cutting back on portions. I guess I feel like it's more of a lifestyle change that has to be made so I'm sticking with it. I should start taking pics of my progress or something to put them up.
Lastly, Josh and I have been working on wedding invitation designs. I reviewed the invitations that you can order online and I really wanted something a bit different. We've found a poster that we are using as inspriation so hopefully it turns out and it's something we can use instead of ordering them and paying outrageous prices.
Thursday, January 14, 2010