Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Sick of being sick

I'm sick again. To be truthful, I've been sick for nearly 3 weeks but Monday things took a turn for the worst. I know that I haven't done a very good job resting with the crazy schedule that I've been keeping and added stress at work is certainly not helping anything. I decided to work from home today so I could at least lay around in my pjs and properly stuff kleenex up my nose to keep the drippage out of my way. I came to several conclusions while working 1) I am much more productive when I'm not at work and 2) I'm much happier when I'm not at work 3) I think I'd rather be sick at home than be healthy at work. Do you see a trend here? Yeah, me too.

This evening I finished up Miguel Street by V.S. Naipaul. It's certainly not something I would have picked up on my own, but was actually pretty good. The novel is put together like a collection of short stories that are built off different characters, which could stand alone. The endings to each story were a bit bleak and unsettling but very realistic (and this was based on the author's childhood so that makes sense). There are some pretty humorous parts of the book but there is quite a lot that I found depressing too -- especially how the women and children were treated on Miguel Street. The novel definitely gives great insight into life in a poverty-stricken Trinidad as seen through the eyes of a young boy and told in the words of his older self. I give the book 3/4.

The other thing I did tonight was think about what I could do for myself this weekened (or the rest of the week because I'm not letting work take over my life this week, it's a vow I've made to myself). Realizing that I'm probably not going to be 100% by Saturday, and even if I was, I should just take it easy and get rid of this crud once and for all, I thought about cooking. Geez, I'm in such a cooking mood. There are a couple of things that I've wanted to make for weeks now that I just haven't gotten to: Chai muffins w/ chai mousse, Corn Chowder, and homemade pizza. The homemade pizza involves a little more than popping a Boboli in the oven with some canned sauce and toppings. I want to try out a new crust recipe, make my own sanuce and do it up with fresh mozzarella and basil or canadian bacon and green chili (one of my fav's). So maybe this weekend will be a cooking weekend, and if I don't feel up to something, I just don't cook.


  1. Yay ... now Josh isn't the only one commenting on your blog!

    Hopefully I didn't offend you too much with my e-mail response since I hadn't heard from you. But, I do still believe I had a point.

    I made meatloaf with hardboiled eggs in it. It was the most nummy meatloaf I ever made. Not'cuz of the eggs though. That was just weird. Good ... but weird.

    Get to feeling better my love. I think about you constantly.

  2. Meatloaf with hard-boiled eggs? Sounds interesting. I'm a pretty big fan of pepperjack stuffed meatloaf! I'm starting to feel a wee bit better (crossing fingers and hoping that I didn't jinx myself there). I'll be responding to that email, but it's all good.
