I have a new addiction. My favorite genre of literature has always been the grotesque genre otherwise known as southern gothic. I like this genre so much that Josh and I have even talked about putting a southern gothic spin on our wedding. Several months ago one of my old bosses was telling me about a show that she and her husband were addicted to -- she later found out that the show was based on a series of books and she flew through all the books. That show was True Blood. As Josh and I are now suffering through watching Supernatural Season 5 real-time, I wanted to find another show that would captivate us in the same way that Supernatural has. I had no idea that True Blood was a southern gothic show and now that we've started watching it, I can't get enough. Season 2 doesn't come out until May on DVD so now I have to suffer through waiting on this show as well. Any ideas of what we can watch while we wait? I'm sure I need another show addiction! I did check out the Sookie Stackhouse books by Charlaine Harris and have now started reading the first book. Apparently it's a book a season and there are something like 9 books. So if HBO keeps up with books, we're looking at long series.